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Design Projects

💜 Projects I worked on as the lead designer

  • Mobile bank: real-time transaction details

  • Mobile bank: credit card self-management

  • Open 2

  • Handyman

🚧 My recent projects to be added here soon:

  • Synctera Design System

  • Synctera billing experience for Fintech

  • Device Management System redesign for Ontario government

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UX Design

Mobile card management

This project, spanning multiple years, introduces self-service capabilities for mobile credit card users. It provides cardholders with the convenience of effortlessly managing their cards anytime, anywhere.

UX Design

Real-time credit card transaction details

This project enabled mobile bank users to check the transaction details on their phones and take action immediately for security concern.

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UX/UI Design

Mobile App - Open 2

It helped people to create a temporary social connection with others doing the same activites (walking dogs, biking...) or having the same hobbies. It improved the emotional experience of a city.

UX/UI Design

Mobile App - Handyman

It built a bridge between those who needed the handyman's help and those who had the skills. With the growing community, both the service requesters and providers will benefit from the platform.

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More projects...

As the UX designer & lead in Cisco WebEx, SAP, ZhongAn Insurance, and CIBC, I had the experience to design for both personal consumers and enterprise users. In the past 10 years of my career,  I participated in 50+ projects, and each has its own story...

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